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Our Weekly Mandolin Jams
Even if you've had problems in the past or have never played the mandolin before.

Super-charge your mandolin progress
and see REAL results today - at no cost to you!
Attending a weekly "jam" or musical get-together produces powerful improvement in your playing and lifts your confidence.
Playing with others week after week motivates you to practice. Playing the same group of tunes each week makes YOU a more confident performer.
Get Free Access to All Weekly Live Mandolin Jams with Tim's Mando Lessons
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What People are Saying...
I can't believe how easy it is to play in time and always know where I am in a song! I only wish I'd taken this course 2 years ago!! Susan (Texas)
My friends and I never knew how to "kick off" songs at our little circle. We'd always just stumble in and get together eventually. Now, I know how to count off songs, and I'm teaching my buddies to all do it too! This makes the jam SO MUCH BETTER! Matthew (Ohio)
Tim doesn't just EXPLAIN how rhythm works - he makes you KNOW how it works. First in your body from the feet up, and then with your pick and strings. Travis (Australia)